Monday, September 14, 2009

New School Year!

The school year is off to a great start. What a wonderful group of kids I get to teach everyday! The students are getting into the routine and it seems to be working very well. Each Friday, I hope you have found the week-at-a-glance in your child's mail. Each week the week-at-a-glance tells you everything your child will be doing in the upcoming week. I try to make those as accurate as possible. Thanks for your wonderful support!

Spelling in 4th grade!

Just a few notes about spelling.
1. Spelling words are listed on the week-at-a-glance.
2. Spelling packet is sent home on Monday and always due on Thursday.
3. Spelling pretest is on Wednesday.
4. Final spelling test is on Friday unless no school, then the test will be on Thursday.
5. From now until January, the last five words are bonus. Starting in January and continuing through May, the last five words are required!
Study! Study! Study!

Quick and easy way to reinforce school!

Just a nifty idea to for you to help your child with something they are learning at school that is fun and easy to do. Create a large hand poster or star poster. Put a card with something the child has to do before going out the door to play or to school, or maybe on the refrigerator before they get a snack. The card could say to give the meaning to words they have learned about on their spelling packets or science or social studies words from their units. Just something quick to help them learn!! Let me know if you want some ideas from what we are doing at school!